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User Experience Design (UI/UX)

Point solutions | UX Research

Developing a deep understanding of user behaviors, needs, preferences, and pain points. Creating user-centered solutions that are intuitive, effective, and aligned with user expectations.

User Experience Research Usability Testing User-Centered Design User Surveys User Interviews Persona Development Competitor Analysis Affinity Mapping User Workshops User Journey Mapping

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Maze Point solutions | Typeform Point solutions | Open AI
Point solutions | Design Audit

Assessing visual designs, user interfaces, and user experiences, along with recommendations for improvement – to make sure design efforts are aligned with branding, user needs, and overall business goals – enhancing the quality and effectiveness of their design practices.

UI/UX Audit Accessibility Audit Visual Design Audit Information Architecture Audit Interaction Design Audit Design Consistency Review Responsive Design Audit

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Google Analytics Point solutions | CleverTap Point solutions | Amplitude
Point solutions | UX Design

Optimizing digital interactions to make sure users have seamless, efficient, and enjoyable experiences. Conducting user research, information architecture, wireframing, and prototyping to create user-friendly interfaces for websites and applications.

User-Centered Design UX Design Principles Usability Design Information Architecture Interaction Design UI Prototyping User Journey Mapping Wireframing

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Figma Point solutions | Sketch Point solutions | FigJam Point solutions | Miro
Point solutions | UI Design

Crafting captivating graphics, selecting fonts and colors strategically, and creating user-friendly interfaces for digital and print media.

Interface Design Interaction Design Prototyping Micro Interactions UI Elements Mobile UI Design Web UI Design

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Figma Point solutions | Sketch Point solutions | Photoshop Point solutions | Illustrator Point solutions | Webflow
Point solutions | Branding

Shaping and defining the identity of a business or product. Developing unique visual elements, such as logos and color schemes, to create a distinct and memorable brand image – establishing a strong brand identity that resonates with the target audience.

Brand Guidelines Logo Creation Brand Identity Brand Strategy Brand Development Brand Book/ Guidelines Social Media Design Visual Merchandising

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Procreate Point solutions | Illustrator Point solutions | Photoshop Point solutions | Firefly
Point solutions | Motion Graphics

Creating engaging video content, animations, and graphics that captivate audiences. Leveraging our expertise in 2D and 3D animation to convey ideas, tell stories, and deliver messages in a visually compelling manner.

Concept Development Storyboarding Character Design Design & Visual Elements 3D & 2D Animations Intro Videos

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Blender Point solutions | AfterEffects Point solutions | Cinema 4D Point solutions | PremierPro Point solutions | DavinciResolve
Point solutions | Illustrations

Customizing illustrations for a variety of contexts, including editorial, advertising, digital interfaces, books, and branding. Translating complex concepts into easily understandable visuals – making information more engaging and memorable for the audience.

Storyboarding Sketching Character Design

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Illustrator Point solutions | Fresco Point solutions | Procreate


Point solutions

Implementing CI/CD for diverse applications across various domains utilizing a wide range of CI tools. Developing seamless CI/CD pipelines that automate code integration, testing, and deployment – accelerating software delivery and minimizing development bottlenecks.

Custom CI/CD Solutions Security Integration Multi-Platform Integration Automated Testing Rapid Releases Build Automation Deployment Automation Continuous Testing

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | github-actions Point solutions | aws-codepipeline Point solutions | bitbucket-pipelines Point solutions | circleci Point solutions | Gitlab Point solutions | Travisci Point solutions | cloud-build Point solutions | jenkins Point solutions | Helm Point solutions | Kustomize Point solutions | argo Point solutions | aws codedeploy Point solutions | Azure devops
Point solutions

Providing infrastructure and application management via Git repositories to streamline deployments and updates, improve software quality, maintain a reliable and reproducible deployment process, and improve overall operational efficiency.

GitOps Methodologies GitOps for Compliance GitOps Workflows Git Repository Management

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Argo Point solutions | Github Point solutions | Terraform cloud
Point solutions

Enabling efficient resource provisioning – automating infrastructure deployment and scaling. Prioritizing cost-efficiency through industry-standard IaC best practices – to optimize resource allocation, minimize waste, and efficiently manage expenses for maximum utilization.

Infrastructure Automation Infrastructure Provisioning Infrastructure Testing Infrastructure Scaling Cost-Efficient IaC Optimized Resource Utilization Cloud Infrastructure as Code Version Control for Infrastructure Serverless IaC Immutable Infrastructure

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Terraform cloud Point solutions | Argo Point solutions | Github Point solutions | AWS cdk Point solutions | ansible Point solutions | datree.io
Point solutions

Orchestrating and managing containerized applications in distributed computing environments. Optimizing Kubernetes configurations to ensure efficient application performance – including automatic scaling and load balancing for peak operational efficiency.

Kubernetes Optimization Multi-Cluster Management Kubernetes Operators Container Orchestration Kubernetes Cluster Cluster Orchestration

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Helm Point solutions | Kustomize Point solutions | Argo Point solutions | amazon-eks Point solutions | google-kubernetis-engine Point solutions | traefik Point solutions | lstio-logo Point solutions | Nginx Point solutions | new-relic Point solutions | external external-secrets Point solutions | crossplane Point solutions | Cert manager Point solutions | datadog Point solutions | rancher Point solutions | strimzi-logo Point solutions | Keda
Point solutions

Guaranteeing peak system performance with minimal downtime and maximum reliability for mission-critical applications. Following proactive incident management – designing high-availability systems that reduce the risk of service disruptions and ensure uninterrupted user access.

Proactive Incident Management High Availability Design Performance Optimization Service Level Objectives (SLOs) Service Level Indicators (SLIs) Incident Management Service Reliability Reviews (SRRs) Continuous Monitoring

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | new-relic Point solutions | datadog Point solutions | prometheus Point solutions | pagerduty-logo Point solutions | Grafana Point solutions | Spiker
Point solutions

Delivering real-time deep insights for optimal performance and reliability, enhanced by AI Ops for automated tasks and workflow optimization. Enabling data-driven decision-making and rapid response to changing conditions for maximum agility.

End-to-End Observability AI Ops Integration Real-Time Insights Predictive Analysis Anomaly Detection Monitoring & alerting

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | new-relic Point solutions | datadog Point solutions | prometheus Point solutions | prometheus
Point solutions

Streamlining machine learning model deployment and management for predictive insights and data-driven decision-making. Building scalable ML infrastructure to effortlessly handle growing data volumes while maintaining peak performance.

Scalable ML Infrastructure Automated Model Deployment & Retraining Seamless ML Lifecycle Management Model Optimization Model Training

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | jenkins Point solutions | tensorflow Point solutions | Apache jMeter
Point solutions

Prioritizing security and compliance, safeguarding systems and data with top tier measures and adhering to regulatory requirements. Enabling early detection of vulnerabilities by focusing on penetration testing, scrutiny of software dependencies, automated API scans, and ongoing assessments.

Continuous & Automatic Security Testing Security Procedures Compliance Assessment Mobile Source & App Scanning DevSecOps Integration Scheduled Malware Scans

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | nmap-logo Point solutions | burpsuite Point solutions | dependency-check-logo Point solutions | jenkens-logo Point solutions | mobsf-logo Point solutions | sonarqube Point solutions | owasp-zap Point solutions | snyk Point solutions | prowler Point solutions | nessus Point solutions | qualys Point solutions | frida-logo Point solutions | defectdojo
Point solutions

Assisting in right-sizing infrastructure to reduce unnecessary expenses, ensuring optimal cost-effectiveness. Enabling cost monitoring and expense management – to support financial decisions and streamline budgeting.

Cost Efficiency Strategies Resource Optimization Cost Monitoring and Analysis Auto-Scaling Strategies

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | amazon-cloudwatch Point solutions | aws-savings-plans Point solutions | kubecost Point solutions | infracost
Related Case Studies

Quality assurance

Point solutions

Strategizing and planning the right combination and timing of QA practices to deliver a robust, secure, and high performing product through all stages of its lifecycle.

Test Planning Test Automation Strategy Test Framework & Technologies Test Environment Tool Selection and POC

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Travisci Point solutions | Cloud Build Point solutions | Jenkins Point solutions | Bitbucket Pipelines Point solutions | github-actions Point solutions | aws-codepipeline Point solutions | circleci Point solutions | gitlab
Point solutions

Guaranteeing that each feature and component seamlessly perform their designated tasks. Crafting and executing tests without the help of scripts or planned test cases by spotlighting real-world scenarios and user viewpoints.

Unit Testing Integration Testing Interface Testing System Testing Regression Testing Smoke Testing Sanity Testing Acceptance Testing
Point solutions

Examining the functionality, usability, and performance of mobile and web apps across a variety of devices and browsers to ensure they perform beautifully, securely, and robustly.

Mobile App Testing Web Application Testing Upgradation Testing Usability Testing Compatibility Testing Cross-browser Testing Cross-platform Testing Responsive Design Testing Mobile Device Testing

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | BrowserStack Point solutions | Lambdatest Point solutions | Xray Point solutions | Testrail Point solutions | Jira Point solutions | Android Studio
Point solutions

Validating the design, functionality, and consistency of API’s – using scripts and tools to test API responses for correctness, safety, and reliability.

API Design Validation API Schema Validation API Automation Environment Setup Test Data Creation

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Travisci Point solutions | Cloud Build Point solutions | Jenkins Point solutions | Bitbucket Pipelines Point solutions | github-actions Point solutions | aws-codepipeline Point solutions | circleci Point solutions | gitlab
Point solutions

Analyzing, testing, and fine-tuning software applications by evaluating system behavior across varying workloads – identifying performance bottlenecks and refining performance.

Performance Testing Monitoring and Profiling Stress and Load Testing Endurance Testing Scalability Testing Concurrency Testing Volume Testing Latency Testing Performance Tuning

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | LoadRunner Point solutions | Artillery Io Point solutions | Apache jMeter
Point solutions

Assuring the functionality, security, and performance of sophisticated elements of blockchain-based systems including smart contracts, NFT, cryptocurrency, and crypto taxation.

Smart Contract Testing Consensus Mechanism Testing Fork and Network Token and Asset Testing Governance and Compliance Testing Wallet Integration NFT Testing Permissioned Blockchain Testing Public Blockchain Testing Blockchain Security Testing Blockchain Performance Testing

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Ganache Point solutions | Truffle Point solutions | Hyperledger Composer Point solutions | Populus Point solutions | Embark
Point solutions

Evaluating the security infrastructure of software systems to detect vulnerabilities, fortify weaknesses, preempt potential risks, and provide robust safeguards against unauthorized access, data breaches, and security threats.

Penetration Testing Vulnerability Assessment Cybersecurity Testing Security Auditing Security Scanning Web Application Security Testing Network Security Testing Vulnerability Scanning Security Assessment Code Review for Security Intrusion Detection Mobile App Security Testing Threat Intelligence

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | BurpSuite Point solutions | Zap Point solutions | Checkov Point solutions | mobSF Point solutions | FRIDA
Point solutions

Assessing user interactions to ensure a positive, intuitive, and meaningful experience. Conducting ongoing evaluation of usability, navigation, responsiveness, and visual design.

Usability Testing User-Centered Design Testing User Interaction Testing Usability Evaluation User Satisfaction Testing Heuristic Evaluation Accessibility Testing User Persona Testing A/B Testing for User Experience Navigation Testing Emotional Usability Testing Multimodal Interaction Testing

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Travisci Point solutions | Cloud Build Point solutions | Jenkins Point solutions | Bitbucket Pipelines Point solutions | github-actions Point solutions | aws-codepipeline Point solutions | circleci Point solutions | gitlab
Point solutions

Integrating artificial intelligence and machine learning to generate test cases and test data – enabling faster, more intelligent test case execution. Analyzing the data to unveil patterns, foresee potential risks, and optimize test coverage.

Artificial Intelligence Testing AI Test Automation Machine Learning Testing Cognitive Testing Predictive Testing with AI Intelligent Test Automation AI-driven Test Scenarios AI Test Case Generation AI Test Data Generation AI-powered Test Management

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Keras Point solutions | PyTorch Point solutions | TensorFlow
Point solutions

Automating end-to-end interactions and tests for web and mobile applications employing specialized tools and frameworks that include clicking, tapping, swiping, and data input – to prevent regressions.

Automated Testing Tools Cross Browser Testing Automation Cross-platform Testing Automation Mobile App Test Automation Web App Test Automation Regression Test Automation Continuous Integration Test Automation Automation Frameworks

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Travisci Point solutions | Cloud Build Point solutions | Jenkins Point solutions | Bitbucket Pipelines Point solutions | github-actions Point solutions | aws-codepipeline Point solutions | circleci Point solutions | gitlab
Related Case Studies

Web 3.0

Point solutions | NFT Creation

Creating distinct digital collectibles, NFT marketplace integration, and groundbreaking NFT use cases in domains like gaming and real estate, bridging digital collectibles, and tangible assets.

Digital Collectibles NFT Art Creation Crypto Art NFT Marketplace Asset Tokenization NFT Minting NFT Generation Tools

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Solidity Point solutions | IPFS Point solutions | Ether JS Point solutions | WM JS Point solutions | Alchemy Point solutions | Infura
Point solutions | Smart contract

Developing custom smart contracts to automate contract execution and record all the changes and actions on the blockchain for auditing and security. Providing seamless integration with legacy systems for faster adoption.

Smart Contract Optimization Smart Contract Development Smart Contract Automation Tamper-Proof Integration with Legacy Systems Blockchain Smart Contracts Ethereum Smart Contracts Distributed Ledger Contracts De-Fi Smart Contracts

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Solidity Point solutions | Slither Point solutions | Truffle Point solutions | Hardhat Point solutions | Echinda Point solutions | Rust
Point solutions | DeFi services

Accessing and transacting financial and trade assets in a decentralized and secure manner. Developing DeFi protocols for decentralized trading, strategic yield farming methodologies, and DeFi compliance in this dynamic regulatory landscape.

Decentralized Trading dApps Development DeFi Yield Farming Staking Crypto Lending Yield Farming Defi Wallet DeFi Token DeFi Protocols DeFi Compliance Decentralized Exchanges (DEX)

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Solidity Point solutions | Ether JS Point solutions | WM JS Point solutions | Infura Point solutions | Alchemy Point solutions | pancakeswap Point solutions | Uniswap
Point solutions | Cryptocurrencies and Tokenisation

Creating custom cryptocurrencies and tokenization of assets to unlock liquidity and transparency in various industries.

Digital Tokens Cryptocurrency Exchanges Cryptocurrency Market Security Tokens Cryptocurrency Wallets Decentralized Finance Tokenization of Assets Initial Coin Offering(ICO) Token Management Custom Cryptocurrency Creation Crypto Custody Solution

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Solidity Point solutions | Truffle Point solutions | Hardhat Point solutions | Ether JS Point solutions | WM JS
Point solutions | Hyperledger

Implementing private or permissioned Hyperledger blockchains for specialized solutions in contract management, supply chain management, asset management, and more.

Permissioned Networks Smart Contract Creation Hyperledger Fabric Development Supply Chain Integration Blockchain Interoperability

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Hyperledger Sawtooth Point solutions | Hyperledger Fabric
Point solutions | Blockchain Services

Providing strategic blockchain consulting, custom blockchain development, and end-to-end deployment of blockchain solutions that are tailored to specific industry needs.

Blockchain Integration Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) Smart Contract Development Decentralized Applications (DApps) Proof of Concept (PoC) Development Blockchain Network Setup

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Truffle Point solutions | Hardhat Point solutions | Ganache Point solutions | Infura Point solutions | WM JS Point solutions | Alchemy Point solutions | Ether JS Point solutions | Kaleido
Point solutions | Crypto taxation

Aggregating all crypto transactions and holdings across Crypto Exchanges, DeFi Wallets, and NFT Marketplaces for region-specific tax calculations, precision reporting, and portfolio management.

Cryptocurrency Tax Reporting Crypto Tax Compliance Crypto Tax Optimization Crypto Tax Planning Crypto Tax Calculator Crypto Tax Consultation

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Infura Point solutions | WM JS Point solutions | Pancakeswap Point solutions | Ether JS Point solutions | Uniswap
Point solutions | Crypto Payment

Enabling people and businesses to trade and transfer cryptocurrencies, convert to fiat currency and back, engage in crypto lending, and other crypto transactions – supporting adoption of the new decentralized financial economy.

Global Payments Crypto Wallet Solutions Cryptocurrency Payment Gateways Cryptocurrency Merchant Services Peer-to-Peer Crypto Payments Crypto Fraud Prevention

Tools & frameworks

Point solutions | Ether JS Point solutions | WM JS Point solutions | Fireblocks Point solutions | Infura
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