Defining technology and building Indonesia's largest D2C SaaS platform


A D2C SaaS stack, LummoSHOP allows anyone to create their own personal online store website/personal E-Commerce website without difficulty. Established with an aim to help various MSME businesses throughout Indonesia build online stores to grow as social sellers and open avenues for their businesses to find new opportunities.

Case Study | Home page design of Lummoshop, Indonesia's largest D2C SaaS E-Commerce platform, that empower entrepreneurs and brands in SEA to accelerate their growth and to serve their customers by giving them the best technology

Client Requirement

To become an E-Commerce enabler for their users LummoSHOP required a strong tech team to build the necessary platforms with all the required features. And KeyValue became an integral part of LummoSHOP from this point.





Building Tech Powered platforms

Defining technology for LummoSHOP, KeyValue conceptualized and engineered the platforms and built new products that fit the requirements that kept altering as LummoSHOP explored, experimented, and concentrated on the different target audiences and shifted from targeting small businesses and store owners in Indonesia to social sellers, and later moving on to a D to C market.

Key products

LummoPayMultiple Payment portals were integrated into the system to avoid failures and delays.
LummoSHOPAn interconnected online store that enables registered merchants to make their business processes simpler, more efficient, and more accurate.
LummoChatNow known as Donut this unique chat system integrates different social media platforms, different web stores, etc, and brings every medium of communication between the merchant and customers under a unified chat, helping Lummo go global.

Smart online store features

  • Hassle-free order placing
  • Adding coupon Systems
  • Domain/product-based onboarding and registering
  • Subscriptions
  • Stock management and logistics
  • OTP-initiated onboarding
Considering theirs as ours

Launching the initial version of the ever-growing product within a span of 1.5 months was a challenging milestone for our engineering team. With their core values kept in mind, we poured in our suggestions and inputs for bettering the features, which were appreciated and accepted by their team. A/B testing, analytic checks, and feature flagging were conducted from our end time-to-time, to ensure the efficiency of the features developed.

Tech Stack
Case Study | Success story
The success stories continue

With a total of 60,00,000+ users out of which 30,00,000+ are active every month and $25,000,000,000+ in annualized bookkeeping volume, the growth LummoSHOP experience is tremendous. LummoSHOP with its complete order management system, payment, and flawless system to deliver goods opens up great opportunities for businesses helping them grow from a regional market to global platforms.